
Defines the about tab in the gather UI.

  1# Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
  3"""Defines the about tab in the gather UI."""
  5from __future__ import annotations
  7from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
  9import ba
 10import _ba
 11from bastd.ui.gather import GatherTab
 14    from bastd.ui.gather import GatherWindow
 17class AboutGatherTab(GatherTab):
 18    """The about tab in the gather UI"""
 20    def __init__(self, window: GatherWindow) -> None:
 21        super().__init__(window)
 22        self._container: ba.Widget | None = None
 24    def on_activate(
 25        self,
 26        parent_widget: ba.Widget,
 27        tab_button: ba.Widget,
 28        region_width: float,
 29        region_height: float,
 30        region_left: float,
 31        region_bottom: float,
 32    ) -> ba.Widget:
 33        party_button_label = ('X' if else ba.charstr(
 34            ba.SpecialChar.TOP_BUTTON))
 35        message = ba.Lstr(
 36            resource='gatherWindow.aboutDescriptionText',
 37            subs=[('${PARTY}', ba.charstr(ba.SpecialChar.PARTY_ICON)),
 38                  ('${BUTTON}', party_button_label)],
 39        )
 41        # Let's not talk about sharing in vr-mode; its tricky to fit more
 42        # than one head in a VR-headset ;-)
 43        if not
 44            message = ba.Lstr(
 45                value='${A}\n\n${B}',
 46                subs=[('${A}', message),
 47                      ('${B}',
 48                       ba.Lstr(resource='gatherWindow.'
 49                               'aboutDescriptionLocalMultiplayerExtraText'))])
 50        string_height = 400
 51        include_invite = True
 52        msc_scale = 1.1
 53        c_height_2 = min(region_height, string_height * msc_scale + 100)
 54        try_tickets = _ba.get_v1_account_misc_read_val('friendTryTickets',
 55                                                       None)
 56        if try_tickets is None:
 57            include_invite = False
 58        self._container = ba.containerwidget(
 59            parent=parent_widget,
 60            position=(region_left,
 61                      region_bottom + (region_height - c_height_2) * 0.5),
 62            size=(region_width, c_height_2),
 63            background=False,
 64            selectable=include_invite)
 65        ba.widget(edit=self._container, up_widget=tab_button)
 67        ba.textwidget(parent=self._container,
 68                      position=(region_width * 0.5, c_height_2 *
 69                                (0.58 if include_invite else 0.5)),
 70                      color=(0.6, 1.0, 0.6),
 71                      scale=msc_scale,
 72                      size=(0, 0),
 73                      maxwidth=region_width * 0.9,
 74                      max_height=c_height_2 * (0.7 if include_invite else 0.9),
 75                      h_align='center',
 76                      v_align='center',
 77                      text=message)
 79        if include_invite:
 80            ba.textwidget(parent=self._container,
 81                          position=(region_width * 0.57, 35),
 82                          color=(0, 1, 0),
 83                          scale=0.6,
 84                          size=(0, 0),
 85                          maxwidth=region_width * 0.5,
 86                          h_align='right',
 87                          v_align='center',
 88                          flatness=1.0,
 89                          text=ba.Lstr(
 90                              resource='gatherWindow.inviteAFriendText',
 91                              subs=[('${COUNT}', str(try_tickets))]))
 92            ba.buttonwidget(
 93                parent=self._container,
 94                position=(region_width * 0.59, 10),
 95                size=(230, 50),
 96                color=(0.54, 0.42, 0.56),
 97                textcolor=(0, 1, 0),
 98                label=ba.Lstr(resource='gatherWindow.inviteFriendsText',
 99                              fallback_resource=(
100                                  'gatherWindow.getFriendInviteCodeText')),
101                autoselect=True,
102                on_activate_call=ba.WeakCall(self._invite_to_try_press),
103                up_widget=tab_button)
104        return self._container
106    def _invite_to_try_press(self) -> None:
107        from bastd.ui.account import show_sign_in_prompt
108        from bastd.ui.appinvite import handle_app_invites_press
109        if _ba.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in':
110            show_sign_in_prompt()
111            return
112        handle_app_invites_press()
class AboutGatherTab(bastd.ui.gather.GatherTab):
 18class AboutGatherTab(GatherTab):
 19    """The about tab in the gather UI"""
 21    def __init__(self, window: GatherWindow) -> None:
 22        super().__init__(window)
 23        self._container: ba.Widget | None = None
 25    def on_activate(
 26        self,
 27        parent_widget: ba.Widget,
 28        tab_button: ba.Widget,
 29        region_width: float,
 30        region_height: float,
 31        region_left: float,
 32        region_bottom: float,
 33    ) -> ba.Widget:
 34        party_button_label = ('X' if else ba.charstr(
 35            ba.SpecialChar.TOP_BUTTON))
 36        message = ba.Lstr(
 37            resource='gatherWindow.aboutDescriptionText',
 38            subs=[('${PARTY}', ba.charstr(ba.SpecialChar.PARTY_ICON)),
 39                  ('${BUTTON}', party_button_label)],
 40        )
 42        # Let's not talk about sharing in vr-mode; its tricky to fit more
 43        # than one head in a VR-headset ;-)
 44        if not
 45            message = ba.Lstr(
 46                value='${A}\n\n${B}',
 47                subs=[('${A}', message),
 48                      ('${B}',
 49                       ba.Lstr(resource='gatherWindow.'
 50                               'aboutDescriptionLocalMultiplayerExtraText'))])
 51        string_height = 400
 52        include_invite = True
 53        msc_scale = 1.1
 54        c_height_2 = min(region_height, string_height * msc_scale + 100)
 55        try_tickets = _ba.get_v1_account_misc_read_val('friendTryTickets',
 56                                                       None)
 57        if try_tickets is None:
 58            include_invite = False
 59        self._container = ba.containerwidget(
 60            parent=parent_widget,
 61            position=(region_left,
 62                      region_bottom + (region_height - c_height_2) * 0.5),
 63            size=(region_width, c_height_2),
 64            background=False,
 65            selectable=include_invite)
 66        ba.widget(edit=self._container, up_widget=tab_button)
 68        ba.textwidget(parent=self._container,
 69                      position=(region_width * 0.5, c_height_2 *
 70                                (0.58 if include_invite else 0.5)),
 71                      color=(0.6, 1.0, 0.6),
 72                      scale=msc_scale,
 73                      size=(0, 0),
 74                      maxwidth=region_width * 0.9,
 75                      max_height=c_height_2 * (0.7 if include_invite else 0.9),
 76                      h_align='center',
 77                      v_align='center',
 78                      text=message)
 80        if include_invite:
 81            ba.textwidget(parent=self._container,
 82                          position=(region_width * 0.57, 35),
 83                          color=(0, 1, 0),
 84                          scale=0.6,
 85                          size=(0, 0),
 86                          maxwidth=region_width * 0.5,
 87                          h_align='right',
 88                          v_align='center',
 89                          flatness=1.0,
 90                          text=ba.Lstr(
 91                              resource='gatherWindow.inviteAFriendText',
 92                              subs=[('${COUNT}', str(try_tickets))]))
 93            ba.buttonwidget(
 94                parent=self._container,
 95                position=(region_width * 0.59, 10),
 96                size=(230, 50),
 97                color=(0.54, 0.42, 0.56),
 98                textcolor=(0, 1, 0),
 99                label=ba.Lstr(resource='gatherWindow.inviteFriendsText',
100                              fallback_resource=(
101                                  'gatherWindow.getFriendInviteCodeText')),
102                autoselect=True,
103                on_activate_call=ba.WeakCall(self._invite_to_try_press),
104                up_widget=tab_button)
105        return self._container
107    def _invite_to_try_press(self) -> None:
108        from bastd.ui.account import show_sign_in_prompt
109        from bastd.ui.appinvite import handle_app_invites_press
110        if _ba.get_v1_account_state() != 'signed_in':
111            show_sign_in_prompt()
112            return
113        handle_app_invites_press()

The about tab in the gather UI

AboutGatherTab(window: bastd.ui.gather.GatherWindow)
21    def __init__(self, window: GatherWindow) -> None:
22        super().__init__(window)
23        self._container: ba.Widget | None = None
def on_activate( self, parent_widget: _ba.Widget, tab_button: _ba.Widget, region_width: float, region_height: float, region_left: float, region_bottom: float) -> _ba.Widget:
 25    def on_activate(
 26        self,
 27        parent_widget: ba.Widget,
 28        tab_button: ba.Widget,
 29        region_width: float,
 30        region_height: float,
 31        region_left: float,
 32        region_bottom: float,
 33    ) -> ba.Widget:
 34        party_button_label = ('X' if else ba.charstr(
 35            ba.SpecialChar.TOP_BUTTON))
 36        message = ba.Lstr(
 37            resource='gatherWindow.aboutDescriptionText',
 38            subs=[('${PARTY}', ba.charstr(ba.SpecialChar.PARTY_ICON)),
 39                  ('${BUTTON}', party_button_label)],
 40        )
 42        # Let's not talk about sharing in vr-mode; its tricky to fit more
 43        # than one head in a VR-headset ;-)
 44        if not
 45            message = ba.Lstr(
 46                value='${A}\n\n${B}',
 47                subs=[('${A}', message),
 48                      ('${B}',
 49                       ba.Lstr(resource='gatherWindow.'
 50                               'aboutDescriptionLocalMultiplayerExtraText'))])
 51        string_height = 400
 52        include_invite = True
 53        msc_scale = 1.1
 54        c_height_2 = min(region_height, string_height * msc_scale + 100)
 55        try_tickets = _ba.get_v1_account_misc_read_val('friendTryTickets',
 56                                                       None)
 57        if try_tickets is None:
 58            include_invite = False
 59        self._container = ba.containerwidget(
 60            parent=parent_widget,
 61            position=(region_left,
 62                      region_bottom + (region_height - c_height_2) * 0.5),
 63            size=(region_width, c_height_2),
 64            background=False,
 65            selectable=include_invite)
 66        ba.widget(edit=self._container, up_widget=tab_button)
 68        ba.textwidget(parent=self._container,
 69                      position=(region_width * 0.5, c_height_2 *
 70                                (0.58 if include_invite else 0.5)),
 71                      color=(0.6, 1.0, 0.6),
 72                      scale=msc_scale,
 73                      size=(0, 0),
 74                      maxwidth=region_width * 0.9,
 75                      max_height=c_height_2 * (0.7 if include_invite else 0.9),
 76                      h_align='center',
 77                      v_align='center',
 78                      text=message)
 80        if include_invite:
 81            ba.textwidget(parent=self._container,
 82                          position=(region_width * 0.57, 35),
 83                          color=(0, 1, 0),
 84                          scale=0.6,
 85                          size=(0, 0),
 86                          maxwidth=region_width * 0.5,
 87                          h_align='right',
 88                          v_align='center',
 89                          flatness=1.0,
 90                          text=ba.Lstr(
 91                              resource='gatherWindow.inviteAFriendText',
 92                              subs=[('${COUNT}', str(try_tickets))]))
 93            ba.buttonwidget(
 94                parent=self._container,
 95                position=(region_width * 0.59, 10),
 96                size=(230, 50),
 97                color=(0.54, 0.42, 0.56),
 98                textcolor=(0, 1, 0),
 99                label=ba.Lstr(resource='gatherWindow.inviteFriendsText',
100                              fallback_resource=(
101                                  'gatherWindow.getFriendInviteCodeText')),
102                autoselect=True,
103                on_activate_call=ba.WeakCall(self._invite_to_try_press),
104                up_widget=tab_button)
105        return self._container

Called when the tab becomes the active one.

The tab should create and return a container widget covering the specified region.